A quick status update and a link to the code.

- I decided to dump num_changes too

- One thing that startled me: planet.c converts _all_ relation member
roles to lower case before dumping them. I'd consider this a bug but
I'm sure there is a reason for this. Considering that neither the API
nor Osmosis or the mysql versions of planet.c do this it is bound to
create inconsistencies. I had a look at the documentation in the Wiki
and couldn't find a reference to roles having to be lower case. So I
decided to dump them as they are in the database

- I'm done with the basic functionality. I've run _very limited_ tests
but I plan to generate test data tomorrow to see how it fares (thanks
Tom for the row counts)

The source can be found at: http://bitbucket.org/lfrancke/historydump/
It is written in Java and uses Maven2. A simple "mvn package" should
build a jar file but I can upload one if neccessary. It has three
dependencies: WoodStox, PostgreSQL JDBC driver and Apache Commons CLI.
Any feedback is welcome.
Run it like this: java -jar
historydump-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help

I'll write again once I've tested this more thoroughly and then the
decision will be in your hands :)

Good Night,

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