
On 03/03/15 01:13, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> In the mean time we
> would like to add one or two ideas to your list since they are OSM
> related:
> https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/issues/15
> https://github.com/hotosm/HOT-Project-Ideas/issues/7

I think that /7 is, at least in the form it is currently presented, very
difficult as a GSoc project. It appears that it requires someone who is
not only up to speed with CartoCSS but also knows enough about HOT work
to make hard "what's in and what's out" decisions - quoting from the

"rendering ... it's an editorial choice that serve a purpose, so having
someone that would take the issues one by one an adding the requested
feature on the map would not help ... the challenge about the rendering
is a lot in making arbitration in what to render and what not."

"some of these improvements need skills not just technical but also a
lot of communication..."

"We need to ensure that any new tags we are selecting to render are
agreed upon by many of the actors in HOT ecosystem including actors out
in the field and those involved in activations and OSM communities
HOT-francophone communities..."

To me this sounds much too broad and too difficult for a GSoc student
project. As it currently stands it would only be suitable for a student
who is already a long-time HOT "insider".


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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