Hi Doug,

> if you implement an interface to mod_dav that works with both 1.x and 2.x,
> that would be great and then we can skip the inclusion of an interface
> bundled with modperl-2.0.  or we could have two, your 1.x version on cpan,
> and a 2.x version bundled with modperl-2.0.  i'm not sure which would be
> the best approach, not having looked at the differences between 1.x and
> 2.x mod_dav.

At the moment there are differences, but they aren't so great, but Greg is
about to change the some of the interfaces in 2.0.

My first step would be to implement a version of 1.x (but keep 2.0) in mind
(Because I need it now in a production environment). When things has settled
a little bit, I would port this to 2.0. Since I plan to auto generate the
interface stuff, it is hopefully not so much work to get it running with

When I start to work on the 2.0 version, we should again talk about how
close we like to intergrate it into mod_perl 2.0. For me both solutions
(separate CPAN module or ship with mod_perl) are ok.


P.S. Are you going to the YAPC europe in Amsterdamm and/or the ApacheCon in
Dublin. If not I would submit a proposal to talk about mod_perl 2.0 on these
two conferences. (maybe I can take your slides to save some work :-)

Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

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