On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> While we are all at TPC:
> I was thinking that it'd be really cool to have the core- and
> wanna-be-core-developers get together and discuss the plans for 2.0, may
> be have some details kindly explained by Doug. I'd love to have code
> overview to get me started. I believe others will be interested as well.
> If there is an interest, should we get a room or can we just do it over
> someones hotel room? Of course this is only relevant if Doug will be kind
> to cut some of his margarittas quality time to do some work instead. Doug,
> considering that each of the attendees buys you say a few beers, would you
> consider that?

sure, but i don't drink margarittas, i like beer, gin+tonic or scotch
though :)  if we could arrange to borrow an overhead from o'reilly that
would be good, rather than everybuddy huddled around my tiny laptop

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