On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> > Would you mind someone who is a wanna-be-wanna-be core developer come
> > and listen (in a corner if I have to)?  I would try to stay out of the
> > way and not cause any problems but I would like to get a jump start on
> > learning the mod_perl 2.0 internals.
> I feel like an agent :) Sure, come, but nothing comes for free. As Doug
> said if you want to get in you have to bring a bottle of a good scotch.

hey, i never said anybody has to bring a bottle to attend, i just said i
don't drink fruity drinks like matt :)  there are exceptions when i'll sip
fruity drinks, but a code party isn't one of them.  besides, spilling
scotch would just clean the keyboard real good, fruity drinks would be a

> You only have to show it when you enter, but Doug will not be allowed to
> claim the bottles before the meeting is over :)

i don't want to collect bottles, would rather see everybody polish off
whatever bottles there are!

> Doug are you sure you won't have to stay over the weekend in order to
> finish all the alcohol you are going to get?

i was planning plenty of time for consumption in dublin, shame its

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