Hi Eike, hi Daniel,

I delete the old mail-texts, because it becomes to long and confusing.

There are still problems.

First the Excel part:

Exporting to xls is OK now. I get #NV for four parameters and for parameter count <3 the missing parameters are added.

But export to "Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml) is problematic.
If OOo is set to save in "odf1.2", the file opens with errors in Excel. All formulae are stripped. The error log says for example
GRUND: Ungültiger Wert
WERT:   of:=LOGNORMDIST(0.6;[.B12];[.B11])
I think, there should not be this kind of WERT, because that form was unkown 2003.

If OOo is set to save in "odf1.1", the cases with parameter count <= 3 are opened with formulas, only the cases with parameter count=4 give an error and the formulas are stripped. The error log says for example
GRUND: Ungültiger Wert
WERT:   =LOGNORMDIST(0.6,R[-1]C,R[-2]C,R[-3]C)
I think that is the correct behaviour.

Now the OOo-part:

I have added in FormulaMissingContext::AddMoreArgs() the lines
        case ocLogNormDist:
            if (mnCurArg == 0)
                pNewArr->AddOpCode (ocSep );
                pNewArr->AddDouble( 0.0 );      // 2nd, mean = 0.0
            if (mnCurArg == 1)
                pNewArr->AddOpCode (ocSep );
pNewArr->AddDouble( 1.0 ); // 3rd, standard deviatioen = 1.0

If OOo is set to save to odf1.2, then I get the transformation
=LOGNORMDIST(0,6;3) --> =LOGNORMDIST(0,6;3;1)
That is undesirable. It is contrary to the new feature, that the parameter is optional.
And I get the transformation
It shouldn't be transformed at all (see above). But when it is transformed, why is the third parameter missing? It is not missing, when using "odf1.1", see below.

If OOo is set to save to odf1.1, then I get the transformations
=LOGNORMDIST(0,6;3) --> =LOGNORMDIST(0,6;3;1)
I think, those transformations are OK.

It is more complicate than I thought. I hope you are not annoyed, that I need to ask so much.

Kind regards

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