Hi Rashi,

On Wednesday, 2010-07-07 11:09:00 +0200, Niklas Nebel wrote:

> On 07/07/10 10:50, rashi dhing wrote:
>> Wanted to use a certain function of the ScInterpreter class ! Can I give the
>> whole path "sc/source/core/interpre.hxx"  and use it ?
> I wouldn't recommend that. If you have a function that can be used  
> without ScInterpreter, you should move it out of interpre.hxx. If you're  
> creating an ScInterpreter instance to call your function, better use  
> ScFormulaCell instead.

The ScInterpreter ctor needs a ScFormulaCell anyway, calling
ScFormulaCell::Interpret() takes care of that. Then use
ScFormulaCell::GetErrCode() to check for error. As it seems you're
expecting a matrix result you may then use ScFormulaCell::GetMatrix(),
note that if the result was not a matrix a NULL pointer is returned and
depending on IsValue() you may use GetValue() or GetString() to obtain
the result.

You'll have to create the ScFormulaCell instance with the ctor that
takes a preconstructed ScTokenArray* and a BYTE as last parameter and
pass the MM_FORMULA constant there, otherwise the matrix result would be
thrown away and only the top left value survived as cell result.


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