On 10/20/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/20/06, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unrelated question, but subject still applicable:
> Is the site updated manually (mvn site-deploy) or nightly? If
> manually, any caveats to be aware of?

We're sharing the Continuum instance on the MyFaces zone, and it's
configured to publish the site (individual module) when anything

Along with that, you just need to remember "publish" in this context means
copying it to people.apache.org.  From there, it is rsync'd to the real
webserver on some schedule that I can never keep in my head ... but the
thing to remember is that there is not an instantaneous turnaround on


You can also run 'mvn site site:deploy' to publish it yourself.


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