On 12/20/06, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's missing in the release plugin?  Just that there's no way to
"stage" a release?  Do we use the release plugin to publish a release?

Neither Struts nor Shale has so far used the release plugin at all.

The default distributionManagement repository that we inherit from the
org.apache:apache pom actually points to the repo that gets rsynced to
Maven central, so there was no   staging, and no way to vote on an
actual artifact before a release.

Now we have <distributionManagement><repository> pointed at a "staging
repo" (there's nothing special about the location, it could be any
directory reachable via scp) so we can vote in advance of actually
publishing things to the Maven central repo.

What's missing, then, is a way of merging the staged artifacts into
the rsynced repo.  The jars can just be copied over, but the info in
the repository metadata xml files needs to be merged together.  That
code now exists, but it's still being tested.

The whole Maven release process is under discussion now by a group
including Maven developers and users, people working on Incubator
projects and ASF infrastructure folks.


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