Shale Master POM version 2 release vote passes with 4 binding +1s from:

Craig McClanahan
Greg Reddin
Wendy Smoak
Gary VanMatre

No other binding votes.

Following a 24 hour buffer for reporting any counting errors, artifact
will be in the m2 rsync repo.

Thanks to those who took time to review and participate.


On 12/22/06, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In preparation for the framework release version 1.0.4, the Shale
Master POM has been updated:  (diff with v1)

tagged (long URLs below, may get fragmented):

and deployed to the staging repository:

This is a vote to release the tagged (and deployed) artifact above as version 2.

[ ] +1
[ ] 0
[ ] -1, because ...

Given the holiday weekend, vote will remain open for 96 hours (closing
around noon Eastern US time, December 26th).


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