On 1/2/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


As part of my review of the proposed 1.0.4 release (all the sigs match ...
but let's see what happens when I try to *use* this stuff :-), I want to try
building our distribution artifacts.  I could build the framework with no
problems -- but trying to build an app fails because this artifact is
(correctly) not available in any repository yet.  Thinking about it a bit
more, we aren't officially distributing *source* artifacts for this POM, or
for "org.apache.shale:shale-master:2" either -- both of which you would need
to install if you're trying to build Shale.  On the other hand, once the
distribution is voted in and released, the artifacts will be available (but
only if you know to go get them).

One could certainly argue that, since our source build system is Maven
based, we could expect this to "just work" for our downstream users after a
release.  But what about folks who are not "always on" connected to the
Internet?  Or folks who need to be able to build Shale, from source, in
Maven's "offline" mode?  Maybe we should publish these two POM artifacts as
part of some "source distribution" somewhere, like we do all the other POMs?


PS:  I'm not done reviewing the proposed 1.0.4 bits, but things look good
(outside of the issue raised here) so far.

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