On 1/5/07, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What should also happen here is attribution in the NOTICE.txt file for
shale-tiger module too ... I'll look into the appropriate wording for that
and commit something soon.


OK, I will be cutting the new artifacts in ~8 hours (I'll be away this
weekend and would like to get the vote going before that).


PS:  Rahul, don't forget to apply your cleanups based on Niall's comments to
the trunk too.  Otherwise, we'll need to go through this exercise again next
time :-).


Yup, will do (I agree its best to do this immediately, for some reason
I felt like porting the release related tweaks in one shot at the end

PPS:  I'm also +1 on removing the Cobertura reports from the release
version, although I do find the reports useful during development cycles.

Tempted towards a "dev" profile for pushing out all reports
(Cobertura, PMD, CPD, Checkstyle and what not) -- so (a) we don't get
caught up in trying to sanitize all the bits these reports generate in
the release distros and (b) its possible to generate a light version
of the site for the documentation (but not reporting) bits.


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