p.s. url [1] is wrong - it should be 

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Seifert [mailto:sseif...@pro-vision.de] 
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2014 1:54 AM
To: dev@sling.apache.org
Subject: [PROPOSAL] Context-specific configuration for Apache Sling, 

this proposal is about context-specific configuration, that means configuration 
that cannot be stored as OSGi configurations. OSGi configurations are always 
system-wide, so they are not well-suited for storing configurations per context 
e.g. site, region or tenant. this is related to the multitenancy discussion on 
this list, see [1] for a summary of the past discussion.
we've implementation a solution for this and are currently thinking about 
donating it to Apache Sling. a documentation of what is currently implemented 
is at [2]. the most relevant pages you should read are [3], [4], [5], [6]. the 
implementation is based on the requirements from [7], although not all that is 
listed on that page is implemented currently (but a good deal of it). source 
code is at [8], a sample application at [9].

the current implementation is targeted to a specific sling-based CMS - but 
besides the configuration editor and the parameter persistence provider it does 
not depend on the CMS API but only on the Sling APIs, being technically suited 
to be donated to Apache Sling. it's already published under apache license 2.0.

i'm interested if there is more need in the community for solving the 
requirements i've listed, and the solutions we have implemented for it. and if 
there are other sling committers who want to take part in its development and 
enhancement as well. although we're using the current implementation from 
wcm.io already in our projects nothing of it's current architecture is carved 
in stone and i'm open to broaden the scope of requirements it should support.



[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/zJBcAg
[2] http://wcm.io/config/
[3] http://wcm.io/config/api/terminology.html
[4] http://wcm.io/config/api/usage-api.html
[5] http://wcm.io/config/api/usage-spi.html
[6] http://wcm.io/config/editor/usage.html
[7] https://wcm-io.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HIAH
[8] https://github.com/wcm-io/wcm-io/tree/master/config
[9] http://wcm.io/samples/config-sample-app/

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