Bas Zoetekouw writes:
> Hi Justin!
> You wrote:
> > > What about just tagging the revision at 0:00 UTC?  Wouldn't that just
> > > solve all problems?
> > 
> > no -- it's not the tag-time that matters; it's the time that the
> > mass-check started at, expressed in the UTC timezone.  Because the "zmi"
> > mass-check happens *after* 0000 UTC, it shows up as being in the next
> > "day" period.
> Exactly  So if the tag would happen at 0:00 UTC, his run would be in the
> next day, as would be all runs that happen after 9am.

... ah, yes, you're right ;)

ok, that would indeed solve it -- but would require *everyone else* to
possibly change their mass-checks to adjust to the new tag time.
That's not so good.

(For what it's worth, 0830 UTC was chosen as an hour that's not during
working hours for most of the committers; 0000 UTC isn't good on that
count, since it's 1600 PST.)


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