> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Lemings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:36 PM
> To: dev@stdcxx.apache.org
> Subject: [STDCXX-709] ContainerData ctor and UserClass::from_char()
> Now I'm sorta new to this UserClass and container testing but 
> but WTF is
> going on here?  char* and UserClass* are convertible certainly but
> clearly not compatible.

Ehh, darn.  I got str and str_ mixed up.

Anwyays, what does this have to do with STDCXX-709?  I believe the
_rw_find_block() function is not able to find the specified memory
block because the array is initially allocated by the
__rw_from_char() function (file tests/src/value.cpp, line 485)
and therefore is not mananging this memory in its headers.

So either a new handler needs to be added or the delete replacement
needs to be removed.

If anyone can verify this analysis is correct, please do.  :)


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