On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 22:31:20 -0700, Martin Cooper wrote:
> I would hope that we would think *very* carefully before following
> the same or similar procedures as these projects. These are all
> "umbrella" projects, and the first two, at least, have clearly
> demonstrated the problems with such projects. (I haven't tracked
> the Incubator closely enough to know whether or not it has had the
> same issues.) The last thing I want to see is Struts becoming
> another umbrella project

Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater, either. :)

An umbrella project is a granfaloon. It's an arbitrary collection of products that do 
not share a common community.

There was a theory that there was a "Java community" that could support something like 
Jakarta. In practice, we found that a common language doesn't build a common community 
(in the Apache sense of the word). It's not Java that binds developers together, but 
what we are *doing* with Java. In our case, Struts is what we are doing, and Struts is 
the foundation of our community.

A Struts project composed of subprojects for the Struts Core and several "standard" 
extensions that depend on that core would not be an "umbrella" project. It is a 
modular approach to distributing the Struts products maintained by the ASF. Another 
way to look at it is that we would be distributing the core and one or more "plugins" 
that people could use, or not. (Plugins in the generic sense, not the Struts class.)

It is very important to me that we continue to rationalize the Struts project. Once we 
cut a new Validator release, we can move directly to the Struts 1.2.1 release. (And 
I'l roll that release too, if no one else has the time.)  Once that is done, we will 
be in a position to prototype a new CVS layout for 1.3.x, as agreed, that will better 
support Maven builds and can also break out the Core from Taglibs.

In the 1.3.x series, we can also bring Struts-Chain up from Contrib (as agreed), and 
start looking at alternatives to Actions. Whatever alternatives we find, if there is 
any coding involved, then I'm sure they could be scriptable too. :)

The stumbling block had been the Validator release. Now that we know it's ready for 
release, we can remove that impediment and move things along <yeah!/>


[And at any time during all this, I invite anyone interested to start laying code for 
2.x.x. Test-first, please. :)]

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