I think we'll just have to go with whatever is simplest, since no one seems to have 
much time to volunteer to the process. Apparently, that would be the Maven approach.

I appreciate your help in this, robert.


On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 19:19:32 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> hi ted
> maven uses the standard apache fallback script (closer.cgi). this
> is very, very to easy to use (just pass the release path through to
> the script) but suffers from some drawbacks (the sums and
> signatures are not readily available and no attempt is made to
> educate users about the importance of checking sums when
> downloading).
> ant uses a custom page which is then fed through the standard
> apache mirroring script which adds the mirrors to it. this is a
> little more difficult and requires infrastructure karma (craig, i
> think, should have sufficient).
> i prefer the ant-style download site but i know some other folks in
> jakartaland prefer the closer.cgi style page. maybe a vote or a
> pool for which style would be the best way forward...?
> (in any case) if you let me know which style you'd prefer, i'd be
> glad to provide some instructions about how to go about setting the
> download up.
> - robert
> On 29 Jul 2004, at 23:26, Ted Husted wrote:
>> I don't think we're picky at this point. Either what Ant does or
>> what Maven does would be fine, robert.
>> -Ted.
>> On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 22:35:15 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
>>> On 28 Jul 2004, at 11:02, Ted Husted wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> One thing I'd like to do first is to link our "Acquiring"
>>>> page to  the Apache mirroring system, so that the
>>>> distribution hooks up to  the preferred place. I haven't
>>>> looked into how that is done yet.  If anyone else has a clue,
>>>> please feel free to jump in.
>>> hi ted
>>> i know a little about this. what kind of thing had you in mind?
>>> would you want the Acquiring page to handle finding an
>>> appropriate  mirror and giving an url to it? or would you be
>>> happy with a link  to a generic page?
>>> - robert
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