Ted Husted wrote:

I would say that new subprojects should start with a standard Maven build.

Well, I used Ant for BSF for two reasons:
1) That's what I know, and I wouldn't know how to do the custom example webapp build procedures in Maven
2) Ant is the official build for Core

I'm not against Maven per se so if a Mavenite wants to convert the build, I have no objection.

Since the next step for 1.3 is creating subprojects for the core, taglibs, and 
such, I wouldn't worry about integrating it with the Struts build now, since 
the build is going to change for 1.3. It would just be wasted effort.

I would suggest that we keep the subprojects as a separate builds and downloads for now, as we are doing with Struts-Faces.

For now, we could just slip in a link to the subproject from the main site, until the other changes are made.

Good, what's what I did for BSF Scripting. Is the website updated by some cron job, or does a committer have to refresh it?



On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 21:18:16 -0800, Don Brown wrote:

I added the struts-bsf as a Struts subproject, and am now looking
to create a website for it to add to the Struts site.  How should I
go about this?  Will it be built with Anakia?  Should it be created
as part of the Struts site build?

Thanks for the help.


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