:) Actually, in the extraction I performed so far, I did just that and moved TilesPreProcessor into the o.a.s.tiles.commands package. There was one other class, o.a.s.actions.RedeployableActionServlet that I moved into o.a.s.tiles since it was full of references to TilesRequestProcessor.


Joe Germuska wrote:
At 10:24 PM -0800 12/21/04, Don Brown wrote:

FWIW, so far, I extracted tiles and taglib into their own projects, and got both core and taglib compiling (haven't tried tiles yet). It took the steps I described earlier as well as moving some methods from TagUtils back into ResponseUtils. Of course, if ResponseUtils has been dreprecated long enough, I could remove that and make things a lot easier. I have yet to migrate all the tests, but that should be straightforward.

I too think making a separate tiles subproject is a good idea. It does mean, though that we may want to move the TilesPreProcessor command out of the core, which then a dependency on commons-chain to tiles... but I do think that Struts shouldn't depend on subprojects.

Or maybe this is another reason to package the commands separately from the core? That is *not* intended as any kind of "i told you so," please don't read any kind of nagging into it!


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