After talking with several on this list about the possibility of combining the best of JSF and Action 2 in a unified framework from a user perspective, I have completed a first cut at JSF support in Action 2 with this loftly goal.

From a user perspective, you still have one configuration file, struts-action.xml, which maps urls to actions and actions to results. However, you can optionally include the JSF interceptor stack and use the JSF result, allowing you to use JSF components in the view. You still define alternative results the same way, still have an action class per url, and can still use the normal GET-style navigation.

From a framework perspective, I split the lifecycle class into indivudal Action 2 interceptors, one per phase. The final render phase I turned into a Result. Upon initialization, I replace the navigation handler with one that simply records outcomes as if they were result codes from an Action. Also, the setup inserts a variable resolver that exposes the action instance to the EL bindings. Therefore, the flow goes: determine action/namespace -> run normal interceptors -> run JSF phases -> invoke JSF action (optional) -> invoke SAF2 action -> invoke render phase. The purpose of the Action then becomes as a general setup for the page, much like the Shale pre-render hook.

I chose this approach because I find the Action 2 controller stronger (JSF was always meant as a view tech, as I understand it), so think it better suited for navigation, state-less actions, and centralizing page setup code. JSF is better for complex single pages or page groups where different stateful components might be needing to submit the page without affecting others.

To demonstrate this integration, I added a JSF tab to the showcase. As a sneak peek, here is the action mapping for a JSF page that edits an employee:

<action name="employee" class="org.apache.struts.action2.showcase.jsf.EmployeeAction">
           <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
           <interceptor-ref name="jsfStack"/>
           <result name="success" type="jsf" />
           <result name="index" type="redirect-action">index</result>

Notice the default page is the JSF page, but other navigation is handled by traditional Action 2 results. Incidently, this means only POSTs for real form submits and bookmarkable GETS everywhere else.

I'm sure there is a lot of refinement to do, but I'm hoping this general approach will solve the very popular need to combine the two frameworks in a seamless way for the user. I'm particularly interested in feedback from the JSF folks, as I'm pretty new to the framework.


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