Hi Al,

Yes, I agree. For instance, the patch only applies to AbstractRemoteBean whereas the issue encroaches on Tree.java and probably others.

The issue is slightly bigger than just forgetting the head tag. It is specifically that:
- the dojo tags now depends on a head tag writing to the page context; but
- in certain cases the head tag cannot be included within the context available to the current tag

eg. If the tag is in a JSP loaded via XHR, the JSP fragment can't contain -another- head tag so an NPE will occur when that fragment is rendered

Al Sutton wrote:

I like your solution, but I think a call needs to be made by the developers who have been here longer (and therefore have a better view of the big picture).

Either your patch should be applied, or a more friendly way of automatically saying "You've forgotten the <:head> tag" needs to be developed, because I believe the current situation creates an error which is too obscure for the average developer to easily discover what the problem is.

Anyone have any other thoughts?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeromy Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <dev@struts.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [S2.1] Dojo plugin tree problem


There is indeed a related bug, but the issue is only realized when the head tag CANNOT be processed within the current page context.
(eg. within a fragment loaded via XHR)


Jeromy Evans

Musachy Barroso wrote:
you are missing sd:head on the page.


On Jan 30, 2008 12:50 PM, Al Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think I've found a problem in the dojo plugin but I'd like someone to double check I'm not doing anything whacky before raising a JIRA ticket.

I've got a webapp with the latest snapshots of core and dojo plugin. I also
have a jsp with;

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="sd" uri="/struts-dojo-tags"%>

  <sd:tree id="objectTree"

When I try to load the page I get an NPE on line 257 of Tree.java which is;

        boolean generateId =

from what I can tell stack.getContext().get(Head.PARSE_CONTENT) returns a null instead of a default value, and thus the !..... with autoboxing of the
boolean causes the NPE.

Is there suppose to be a default set or have I missed a step which would set
this up?

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