Niall Pemberton wrote:
I just saw the following comment

"FreeMarker is very similar to Velocity, as both are template
languages that can be used outside of a Servlet container. The
framework utilizes FreeMarker because FreeMarker has better error
reporting. However, both are good alternatives to JSP."

I've questioned that a few times myself. The paragraph doesn't do FreeMarker much justice from a technical sense, but then again, most Struts 2 users won't exploit the features FreeMarker offers above Velocity, it has a much steeper learning curve, it's not as broadly supported by IDE's and the syntax doesn't transfer easily to other domains ('s rare to find a interface designer that can read an html FreeMarker template, but most can grasp the syntax of a velocity template within a few moments). FreeMarker is technically superior in (almost?) every way, but not always appropriate.

We should link to/provide something that helps users decide what best suits their circumstances, including the argument for and against JSP. I don't think there will ever consensus to recommend one. At the same time it may be useful to compare these to why a JRuby-based or Grails-based action/result may be more suitable. Blog anyone?

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