Musachy Barroso wrote:
For those of you ignoring the spam on the Convention vote thread :). I
mentioned that the framework should support more than one
UnknownHandler, which would eventually make Convention and Codebehind
compatible, as well as other plugins in the future. The bad side
effect is that some configuration would be needed for the order of
evaluation of the UnknownHandlers, as well as a default(first UH that
can handle the request will be the one used). Comment away.

This is a large problem that I have been trying to solve for JCatapult. How do you allow plugins to be dropped in but somehow organize themselves correctly? The only solution I can think of is to have a configuration parameter that is a ordered list of named beans to use. If someone is going to be using both plugins, but will need to set this property by hand. If they only use one, then XWork can ignore the property because there aren't multiple UnknownHandlers in the container.

If someone has other cool ideas that don't require configuration, let me know!


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