*** s...@plunder.tech [2023-07-04 19:37]:
>I use ST without any patching, and have done so for years.  It is very fast and
>works flawlessly in my experience.  All the other terminals have serious 

Agreed! I use st for more than 10 years already and completely do not
understand what are people missing from it, except for useless things
that must not be in it (like scrollback support). No noticeable or any
seriously impacting issues I can remember so far. It does everything is
should. I run it with tmux running inside for scrollback, history
searching, multiple cut-n-paste buffers and so on.

Thanks suckless community and its developers for their wonderful
software (I use dwm, st, dmenu, tabbed, slock) and inspiration resources
for non-bloated sane software!

Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/)
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