If you don't care then why are you here?

Please don't take this personally. Controversy is really not the thing I was trying to achieve.

I'm on this mailing list to stay in the loop on updates and patches to software 
I use. Not present evangelical arguments to someone who doesn't know what to 
believe in.

Well, this list is mostly for discussion as said on the website[1]. The list for patches and upstream patch discussion is <hack...@suckless.org>.

And, plus, it's not like it's too busy here anyways.

Use the software, or don't. No one is holding a gun to your head.
Yea, that's exactly the point. Of course I can use whatever I want and however I want, but I want to know what approach do other people have.

Where do *you* draw the line when it comes to what software to use?

[1]: https://suckless.org/community/


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