I think I finally figured it out!  With help, of course, from my wise and 
helpful community.  Thanks!  And reading the man page for elinks. :>

for direct viewing in less:
    pandoc -s -t html City_of_Truth-Morrow.epub | elinks -dump-color-mode 2 
-force-html | less -ir

to make a file to keep, for repeated viewing in less:
    pandoc -s -t html City_of_Truth-Morrow.epub | elinks -dump-color-mode 2 
-force-html > City_of_Truth-Morrow-formatted.txt

Now my next question is, what is the tool that does the *best* job of turning a 
PDF book into a readable text document?  Via html or docbook or markdown or 
whatever--doesn't matter.  My previous experience trying things out to achieve 
this goal is that it's just not worth it.  The output always winds up 

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