P.S. I strongly believe someone at Sun should take up the NIO vs. APR challenge and ensure that NIO outperforms APR in Tomcat usage. In other words, Sun should ensure that a pure Java networking stack is really best in class in real world usage. [Hopefully someone at Sun reads this and takes this to heart...]

Until they do, however, please use whatever works best.

Jess Holle

Jess Holle wrote:

Mladen Turk wrote:

So, from my point of view I see this vote as useless, because
anyone can create a connector using what ever technology he prefers.
The only valid question would be, what to use as a default one,
but that's a minor issue thought.

As Mladen says, anyone can create a connector.

Therefore, let the best connector win on its merits and let those in the know pursue what they believe to be the best connector approach based on their experience.

Yes, I was one of those who asked about NIO's prospects in Tomcat way back when -- as it seemed worthwhile to me to fully examine a pure Java solution. I was arguably offbase as I do not have the level of experience in this area that Mladen, Remy, et al, have, but at any rate there was a good deal of NIO investigation around that time and the results were that NIO did not measure up.

Until someone figures out a way to make NIO measure up to APR and produces numbers to show it, APR deserves to be the default.

I would actually guess that the "use NIO not APR" chant comes primarily from those who then need APR on platforms for which they do not have APR binaries and don't want to deal with building or finding it -- yet want optimal performance.

Jess Holle

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