2015-09-10 10:13 GMT+02:00 jean-frederic clere <jfcl...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I have a wording questions from my ApacheCon presentations, I am using
> tomcat9 to speak about trunk but basically tomcat9 should be with java9 and
> the new servlet specifications. AKA far future.

I'm not sure it will require Java 9. Using ALPN would require either Java 9
or OpenSSL, I think that is going to be the most likely scenario, so Java 8
would remain quite usable.

> It will be probably interesting to promote an intermediate tomcat version
> with HTTP/2 and related features but without a servlet 4.0  do we want to
> do that?

Yes, the problem is that the next EE is too far away. A new 8.x would have
to supersede the current 8.0 though otherwise it would be too difficult for
maintenance. However, there are significant addition/changes to the
configuration in trunk.


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