On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Giorgio Zoppi<giorgio.zo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Is feasible (i'm not a great maven expert) a more selective building
> options? Because Tuscany is getting bigger, and as user i would expect
> to choose what compile or not without editing any pom.
> Cheers,
> Giorgio.
> --
> Quiero ser el rayo de sol que cada día te despierta
> para hacerte respirar y vivir en me.
> "Favola -Moda".

Other than the Maven profiles or building from some point down inside
the project hierarchy there isn't anything, but i wonder if we should
do something. In 1.x we always build/test everything and that means
the build takes ages especially the first time when all the
dependencies need to be downloaded, and this is off putting for new
developers. 2.x isn't so bad yet but it is starting to take longer as
we're add more extensions.

Early on in 2.x we did talk about doing something about this, perhaps
splitting things so some of the extensions are optional and not built
and tested as part of the main core build. The hard bit would be
coming up with a list of what is optional that we all agree with,
should we try to do that?


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