
On 11/17/16 12:58 PM, Claude Brisson wrote:
> There are several things I'd like to do for the tools before releasing
> them:
> 1) deprecate the ConversionTool:
>     - date formatting and parsing methods are redundant with (and less
> complete than) DateTool ones.
>     - number formatting and parsing methods are redundant with the
> NumberTool and MathTool ones, and also far less necessary now that a lot
> of automatic conversions are taken care of.
>     - the only remaining feature is a toStrings() method (which does
> splitting and optional trimming). A single method does not legitimate
> the need for a tool, and in a web context, the ParameterTool already
> does it for GET/POST parameters. Still, we can have the method move
> elsewhere (but where? Maybe deprecate SortTool and have a CollectionTool
> do splitting and sorting?).
> 2) deprecate MathTool number parsing and formatting methods, which are
> redundant with the NumberTool ones.

Okay to all of the above.

> 3) use explicit format names: numberFormat, timeFormat, dateFormat and
> timestampFormat, instead of a generic 'format' parameter defaulting to
> an ubiquitous 'default' value. I'd also like to have the default formats
> be the international formats used by HTML5 (RFC 3339).


> 4) On the same subject of formats, I'd also would like to introduce
> date/time format sniffing (as there are some good algorithms out there
> that we can borrow). We could maybe do the sniffing once and cache the
> detected format in the AST (but it should be configurable, and probably
> default to false).

What is the use-case here? Velocity should primarily be used for
output-generation, so the tools we provide should be for e.g.
java.util.Date -> java.lang.String, not the other way around.

I must admit, I've found myself using some Velocity-Tools classes as
hacks (e.g. re-formatting a date that is in a dumb format for some
reason), but it would be better not to encourage that kind of foolishness.

> 5) I'm pretty inclined to deprecate AlternatorTool, since all designers
> now use CSS for this purpose. Plus, we now have #if($foreach.index % 2)
> for this purpose.

Deprecating but not removing AlternatorTool is okay for the time being.
Some of us have to support ancient browsers like MSIE8 which don't
support CSS nth-child.


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