Martijn Dashorst wrote:
The repo is not a problem iiuc.

OK, so forgot the proposal as a solution for the space problem on
What is do you thing about other advantages ?

THe problem is that the server has log files
that fill up the harddrive without rolling and compression.

:( log form bamboo or tomcat (just for my curiosity, I setup hudson but never 

Thanks for the reply.



On 1/18/08, David Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

May be part of the space problem on bamboo server, could be solve by
hosting maven-repository on sourceforge.
There is some advantages :
* every committer on wicketstuff, already, have ssh access
* every committer could deploy manually snapshots and releases
* release version could be deploy with maven-release-plugin
* if there is 2 repositories repo-releases and repo-snapshots, then we
could request a rsync from repo-releases to maven central repository

I already setup this type of configuration of sf (cf: and similar for other server , .


I could do a try with wicketstuff-parent, wicketstuff-misc


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