You are right, that's exactly what I want. The reason is that we collect all
the accounting information from kannel.

Anyway, if nobody else sees utility for this, I'll keep that in our
corporate patches. No need for a religious discussion ;-)

Director de Investigación y Desarrollo
Mediafusión España, S.A.
Tel. +34 91 252 32 00
Fax +34 91 572 27 08

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-----Mensaje original-----
nombre de Oded Arbel
Enviado el: domingo 2 de junio de 2002 19:26
Para: Angel Fradejas
CC: Kannel Developers
Asunto: RE: [patch] smsbox memory leaks and service header

Let me see if I get this correctly : you want to be able to set, in the HTTP
response for a GET or POST query generated by sms-service, the service name
for the MT generated from that response. right ?

What is it good for ? the only reason I can think of doing it is to have the
kannel logs log the dynamic service routing you are doing in the
application. why would you want to do that ?

Oded Arbel
m-Wise Inc.
(972)-9-9581711 (ext: 116)

I asked my baby if there'd be some way
She said she'd save her love for a rainy day
I looked in the sky but I look in vain
Heavy cloud but no rain.
                         - Sting (Gordon Summer)
                           (Heavy Cloud No Rain/Ten Summoner's Tales)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Fradejas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 6:52 PM
> To: Bruno Rodrigues
> Cc: Kannel Developers
> Subject: RE: [patch] smsbox memory leaks and service header
> >> 2) allow to change msg->sms.service via X-Kannel-Service
> header or xml
> tag
> >Why should you change the sms.service ?
> >
> >sms.service is the name field in configuration, for sms-service and
> >sendsms-user, so you can identify the service or username used, in
> >bearerbox_access.log.
> >
> >We shouldn't give access to clients connecting through http.
> >I vote -1 for this part
> It was intended to identify sms-service, not for smssend
> requests, as I do
> my service routing outside kannel: every MO goes to default
> sms-service,
> then the application routes to appropiate service. I wanted
> to pass the
> service handling the MO back to kannel.
> I could rework the patch to allow this X-Kannel header only
> on MO handling.
> Does this sound better to you?
> Angel Fradejas
> Mediafusión España, S.A.
> Tel. +34 91 252 32 00
> Fax  +34 91 572 27 08

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