>      1) Wrong type of MySQL dlr field 'ts'. I used TIMESTAMP type and now using
>      VARCHAR type for correctness. It would be great to have sample dlr field
>      data types in userguide!
> oh... this is an excellent idea. never came to my mind that this could be your 

there is a 'desc' sample in doc/examples/dlr-mysql.conf available ;)

>      2) Not in accordance with the userguide, the default msg-id-type IS NOT 1.
>      I still doesn't know what is the default for msg-id-type BUT setting this to
>      1 solved the problem. Another thing to fix in userguide!

msg-id-type defaults to -1 in the code itself, which indicates it's
not set via the msg-id-type variable. 

We had the discussions about the default value. Andreas pointed our
(according to SMPP specs) that default should be a C string. That's
the way it is now.

The user's guide hasn't been updated for this "new defaultness", I'll
do that right away.

>      1) The use of DLRMASK equal to 4 or 20 inserts a DLR that potentially will
>      remain in database forever. Although this is an error, it can be avoided;
> Should be easy to fix. Simply remove entry if buffered is final state because there 
>are no other statuses possible to follow.

anyone providing a patch for the group?! If it's a bug, please don't
fix it only for your personal tree.


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