I just forwarded this, because the orginal posting didn't contain a
subject line and I'm afraid important issues like this get lost in the
list otherwise.

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--- Begin Message ---
Hi, List:
        I have a question about WTP-SAR, it is not about kannel, but maybe some 
experts here can help me.

        I develop wap-client on mobile. When I send a Invoke message by WTP-SAR to 
gateway, I get the abort PDU. Following is the flow:

        ---->SegInvoke, PSN=1
        ---->SegInvoke, G, PSN=2 

        <----Ack, PSN=2

        ----->SegInvoke, PSN=3
        ----->SegInvoke, PSN=4
        ----->SegInvoke, T, PSN=5

        <-----Abort, Abort Reson = 0xE1(disconnect)

        I donot know why the gateway send the abort PDU intead of the result PDU, and 
the abort reason can not tell me more information about it.

        Can anybody here help me?



--- End Message ---

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