
I'm trying to force kannel to let a mobile download realplayer.sis file
(584.720bytes) through it.
I know that I'm crazy to try it, but I just need to know the limits of kannel
and see if we can do better than CMG ;)

First problem is that Nokia 3650 sends a SDU of 357.000 bytes and kannel simply
refuses to send the file back. 
It's a good start relativly to CMG, because I will get a reply quickly (altough
it could be a nice wap page saying something meanfull instead of a rude gateway
error). CMG tries to do something and only breaks after something like 10 seconds.

Then I've removed SDU checks from kannel >:), adding a "0 &&"
gw/wap-appl.c line 654:
     * If the response is too large to be sent to the client,
     * suppress it and inform the client.
    if (0 && octstr_len(content.body) > sdu_size && sdu_size > 0) {

Now the mobile goes having fun downloading the file:
Kannel logs starts with a:
2003-02-18 02:52:12 [5] DEBUG: WTP: begin_sar_result(): data len = 584867

then a,
2003-02-18 02:52:14 [5] DEBUG: WTP: continue_sar_result(): lsegm=2, nsegm=1015,

until it gets to:
2003-02-18 02:54:24 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 2, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT,
event RcvAck.
2003-02-18 02:54:24 [5] DEBUG: WTP: continue_sar_result(): lsegm=254,
nsegm=1015, csegm=251
2003-02-18 02:54:24 [5] DEBUG: WTP: dispath_to_wdp(): psn = 255
2003-02-18 02:54:24 [5] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:1677: octstr_set_bits: Assertion
`value <= mask' failed.

This means what ? are we assuming that psn is a unsigned byte ? 

To reach the Nokia3650 SDU, we would need to send 620 "psn"'s, so I think
something is broken in kannel. :(

Any idea ?

Davi / Bruno.Rodrigues<at>Litux.Org
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