Hi Bas,

> hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to get
> a grip on MMS and I'm kinda lost on the encoding. As an example, I
> configured my t68i to use my own webserver as it's message center so the
> M-Send.req issued by my phone ends up in my script. I'm just dumping the
> POST data to a file to decode it (by hand for now :)), and it's not
> making sense when I look at the WAP specs ;(

funny thing. I just finished my MMSEncapsulation decoder based on
Kannel WSP code. It's not very hard when you first "survive" some
common gaps ;) Unfortunatly it's tricky to tell everything in such a

> I'm looking at WAP-209-MMSEncapsulation-20020105-a.pdf and my hex dump.
> As an example, I'm looking for the 'Message-Type' field (0x0c according
> to section 7.3) which should be equal to 'm-send-req' (0x80, according
> to section 7.2.14.). I would expect to find a sequence of 0x0c 0x80 but
> it's not there.

NOP!! that's the first gap all of us fall in. The Tabe 8 (sectin 7.3)
tells the offset values to 0x80 as defined in WAP-WSP tables.

> What am I missing? Is there (yet) another encoding going on that I'm
> forgetting about?
> Here's the start of my hex dump:
> [MMS]0x8c       140     ?
> [MMS]0x80       128     ?

yep here you go: 0x8c is 0x80 (dec 128) as a base + 0x0c for the
'Message-Type' field. So these two tokens represent the Header

  Message-Type: m-send-req

and so on. These are the "easy" things. It gets harder when you don't
have direct two pairs that represent the field name and field value.
But as I said, you can do this allmost all with WSP code of Kannel.


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