Replying to Stipe Tolj:
> the 'our-port' defines the _server_ port of your side of the UCP
> server itself is about to establish an TCP connection for MO
> tranmissions ie. It is _not_ defining the client TCP port of the
> connection towards the server. The OS is assigning this socket port
> and you _don't_ have a way in defining this inside Kannel's config
> file.
> You'll have to go with Linux IP tables and NAT rules to map this.
> Unfortunatly I can't drop you an very easy example for this. You
> should either patch Kannel's source to define a hard way in connecting
> with pre-defined client ports or ask your local Linux guru about the
> OS IP layer way in doing this.

something like iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT -d ...
but your kernel needs to be compiled with following

        bool "NAT of local connections (READ HELP)"
        depends on IP_NF_NAT
          This option enables support for NAT of locally originated
          Enable this if you need to use destination NAT on
          originating from local processes on the nat box itself.

          Please note that you will need a recent version (>= 1.2.6a)
          of the iptables userspace program in order to use this
          See for download instructions.

Paul P 'Stingray' Komkoff Jr // <- my pgp key
 This message represents the official view of the voices in my head

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