Am 25.08.22 um 13:19 schrieb Iñaki Ucar:

I assume their maintainers didn't do it on purpose, maybe it was
easier for a certain update, didn't have time to look into it and
weren't aware of the guideline. But this is very frustrating. Seeing
many hours of work just wiped out without any notice or explanation is
very frustrating.

In my case (freefem++), it was actually was a mixture of all.

To cut a long story short: This flexblas stuff doesn't "harmonize well" with freefem++, rsp. more bluntly speaking, flexblas breaks freefem++.

Because of this, when going after freefem++'s regressions, years after the flexiblas changes had been introduced, I inadvertedly and accidentally reverted the flexblas related changes, because these apparently do not work out with freefem++.

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