On Fri, 2023-08-25 at 12:42 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was thinking of adding Passim as a default-installed and
> default-enabled dep of fwupd in the Fedora 40 release. Before I create
> lots of unnecessary drama, is there any early feedback on what's
> described in https://github.com/hughsie/passim/blob/main/README.md
> please.

So this is a very long thread and I really don't have time to read the
whole thing and see if this is answered, but I'm a bit confused here.
This message says you're "thinking of adding Passim", but in point of
fact, it appears to have been added to the package set already, and as
of fwupd-1.9.5-2.fc40 (built two days ago), fwupd hard requires it,
which means it's pulled into most Fedora installs. (the spec added an
explicit Recommends: passim, but there is also an autogenerated
requires for "libpassim.so.1()(64bit)", which is provided by passim).

Workstation installs even seems to try and auto-start it on user login:

Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: Starting passim.service - A local caching 
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora (passimd)[2647]: passim.service: Failed to set up mount 
namespacing: /run/systemd/mount-rootfs/var/lib/passim/data: No such file or 
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora (passimd)[2647]: passim.service: Failed at step 
NAMESPACE spawning /usr/libexec/passimd: No such file or directory
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: passim.service: Main process exited, 
code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: passim.service: Failed with result 
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: Failed to start passim.service - A local 
caching server.

so...at this point, in Rawhide (not F39), this 'thinking of adding'
feature appears to be basically fully implemented already (except for
the service start failing). Was this intentional?
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
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