On Wed, 2023-09-06 at 21:09 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 19:12, Adam Williamson
> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> > This message says you're "thinking of adding Passim", but in point of
> > fact, it appears to have been added to the package set already, and as
> > of fwupd-1.9.5-2.fc40 (built two days ago), fwupd hard requires it,
> It hard requires the -lib -- the daemon is a softer requirement ; see below.

There is no -lib package split in Fedora currently. The 'passim'
package provides the libraries.
https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2278800 - there
is no 'passim-libs'.

> > Workstation installs even seems to try and auto-start it on user login:
> > Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora (passimd)[2647]: passim.service: Failed at step 
> > NAMESPACE spawning /usr/libexec/passimd: No such file or directory
> I'm confused why the service definition exists but not the binary --
> to clarify -- you've got passim-libs installed, but *not* passim --
> correct?

Ah, sorry, I forgot - that error isn't the 'real' error, it's
misleading. That file is actually there, I think. This is the full

Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: Starting passim.service - A local caching 
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora (passimd)[2647]: passim.service: Failed to set up mount 
namespacing: /run/systemd/mount-rootfs/var/lib/passim/data: No such file or 
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora (passimd)[2647]: passim.service: Failed at step 
NAMESPACE spawning /usr/libexec/passimd: No such file or directory
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: passim.service: Main process exited, 
code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE
Sep 06 02:27:08 fedora systemd[1]: passim.service: Failed with result 

I'm guessing the "failed to set up mount namespacing" thing is the real
problem, and the error about /usr/libexec/passimd not being there is
just some odd consequence of the namespacing problem.

> > so...at this point, in Rawhide (not F39), this 'thinking of adding'
> > feature appears to be basically fully implemented already (except for
> > the service start failing). Was this intentional?
> It's intentional in that if the feature gets rejected I'd change the
> "Recommends" to a "Suggests". If you'd rather me do the opposite (i.e.
> move from Suggests to Recommends if the proposal gets accepted) that's
> 100% okay with me and I can do that tomorrow.

I do think that would be more appropriate. But you'd also need to split
the libs out for this to mean anything.
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @ad...@fosstodon.org

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