Once upon a time, Simon Farnsworth <si...@farnz.org.uk> said:
> Fedora made the same switch back in Fedora 31, and thus doesn't need to do 
> anything about package compression right now.

About this... I was looking at RPMs and found there are a couple of
packages that override _binary_payload in the SPEC to use xz: kernel and
ceph.  It appears they're doing it to get parallel threads (I guess not
specifically to override the format itself), but should they be changed?
The kernel SPEC actually mentions it might need to be changed if the
global default is changed.

Also - if the reason to override it is to get threads, is there any
reason to not always use threads?  ceph is doing:

    %global _binary_payload w7T%{_smp_build_ncpus}.xzdio

Assuming the zstd backend supports the threads option (I haven't
looked), it seems like embedding T%{_smp_build_ncpus} might be a
reasonable thing to always do (to go along with how make_build already
uses %{?_smp_mflags}).

In the case of ceph, it's overriding _source_payload as well, which
seems unwanted (feels like somebody just grepped and copied).

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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