Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the explanation.

I just caught up with the article at the New York Times,

Did One Guy Just Stop a Huge Cyberattack?

And the comic that looks like it fits the problem I'm most noticing here!


I have to admit that I still don't know what the best or most official "At 
least do this" instruction page is for a Fedora user.
I don't see anything at the main https://fedoraproject.org/ website or its 
"News & Announcements" page.

In this thread its becoming about the details of the process. But not yet about 
a solution. All of which I get.
And in private emails people are insisting on sending to me about how I'm 
unreasonable for asking the questions, and "should have" understood this or 
So, with your discussion the best guess I can some up with is to make sure XZ 
is downgraded and just hope that one of this Jia Tan's 6000+ commits are still 
hidden in some other project with not enough eyes. Or that the XKCD coming true 
doesn't happen again.


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