Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> I've noticed a trend in proposed changes in the way Fedora works.

I am fed up of this salami tactic as well. When we complain about the new 
stuff, we invariably get told "don't worry, you don't have to use it, it's 
all optional", but the plan is always to make it mandatory later. See also 
2FA that they are now trying to force on us, taking as an excuse an incident 
that was demonstrably NOT stopped by 2FA.

> They start off as as things packagers will not have to use if they do
> not want to and, over time, become default/forced (Matrix vs IRC,

To be fair, part of the blame there is to be put on Libera.Chat that 
unilaterally turned off their Matrix bridge. (Yes, they did give Matrix some 
time to address the demands they had, but when Matrix told them it was not 
feasible in such a short time frame, they just first suspended, then 
permanently blocked the Matrix bridge.) But, and here is where I blame 
Fedora, instead of just letting the chans on Libera.Chat die and moving 
everything to Matrix, they should have moved the IRC chans to a network with 
a working Matrix bridge, such as OFTC (or pretty much anything other than 
Libera.Chat – I guess even Freenode under its new owners might be an 
option), then we could still be happily using both technologies 
interoperably. Instead, we get told to just use Matrix and shut up, which I 
do not consider acceptable.

> Discourse, ...).

There too, I do not see why some discussions are now being directed to 
Discourse instead of the mailing list. And it is not even working. Most of 
the pertinent feedback for new Changes still comes on this list, not on 
Discourse. The developers use this list, Discourse is only for users who do 
not know how to use a mailing list.

> Perhaps it's time to discuss imposing financial and/or legal penalties
> when the opt-in nature of the change goes away.

Who would impose those? And from whom to whom would the money flow? I do not 
think this can work.

        Kevin Kofler
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