On Tue, 2014-03-04 at 07:51 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 06:55:44PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > I just want to make sure anyone who wants to do this goes in with an
> > accurate knowledge of the work that's likely to be involved. I also want
> > to explain that the folks we have in QA already who are interested in
> > working on tools are already full-time working on other things, and yes
> > we have considered OpenQA (and various other GUI automation frameworks,
> > and various other possible uses of our time apart from working on
> > Taskotron and the other tools we're working on), and come to the
> > conclusion that the stuff we're working on right now really is the most
> > important stuff to be working on right now.
> > 
> > We certainly do welcome anyone who wants to spend some of their spare
> > cycles working on OTHER things, though. :)
> I'm not trying to undo your welcome :) but, also, one completed QA
> automation framework is approximately 18,000,000× more valuable than two
> partially-completed ones, so if anyone is interested in this in general but
> hasn't gotten started, finding where you could contribute to Taskotron would
> be *even more* helpful.

Hum, well. OpenQA exists and does what it does already; there wouldn't
be a lot of duplication going on. Taskotron is a far, far more generic
framework; it could certainly be used to do GUI automation testing,
probably by using something like dogtail inside it, but there'd be a lot
of bits to build, I think.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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