On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:26:58 +0100
Chris Walker <cdw_noki...@the-walker-household.co.uk> wrote:

> Can somebody help me with this one please?
> I've just rebuilt my machine and have reinstalled QtCreator etc. I
> never had this problem before so I'm guessing it's something I've done
> but each time I rebuild my project, I get this error.
> I've googled it and several people suggest that it's because the build
> system is on another machine. I suppose it is here as the build is a
> virtual machine, but as I said, it didn't happen until I rebuilt the
> box (64 bit Mageia 4) and I'm struggling to fix it.
> I can't move on with my project until I solve it so can anybody
> suggest what I could check please?

Physician heal thyself!

I installed the ntp client and it now picks up network time. I'm
assuming therefore that there is some time 'slip' between the host
machine and VBox.

I now get loads of warnings which again, I haven't seen before such as
these :-
Warning for %files line: "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps"
        please use %{_datadir} to replace the leading path /usr/share

But I *ought* to be able to fix that one ;-)
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