On 14.04.2014 16:49, Chris Walker wrote:
Physician heal thyself!

I installed the ntp client and it now picks up network time. I'm
assuming therefore that there is some time 'slip' between the host
machine and VBox.

I now get loads of warnings which again, I haven't seen before such as
these :-
Warning for %files line: "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps"
        please use %{_datadir} to replace the leading path /usr/share

But I *ought* to be able to fix that one ;-)


glad to hear ntp worked for you.

Those %files warnings will be gone in the next SDK update. They are caused by an almost-but-not-quite working .pro/.yaml file updater functionality in Qt Creator.

They are quite ugly, but harmless.

Best regards,

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