On 26/05/14 10:21, Ruediger Gad wrote:

just to add a bit of my opinion as well.

Just a mailing list is imho not enough.

Personally, I like a forum.
Even though, due to its nature(?), it might attract more OT discussion.
However, such OT discussion can be canalized by proper categorization,
e.g., OT sections etc.
Canalizing discussions into topics, e.g., hardware, software, OT,
general, etc. is imho one nice feature of a forum.
But other neat features had been mentioned here already as well.

I think Q&A sites like stackoverflow or tjc are also very handy.

Why not let the users make the decision?
I.e., we have a mailing list and a Q&A site already, just the forum is

Aren't a Q&A site *and* a forum quite overlapping?

What is missing from the current together.jolla.com that you would have in a 

Currently (to my knowledge):
 * You can edit your posts afterwards
 * You can have sticky posts
 * You can find quickly the right [TM] answer
 * You can have karma
 * You cannot have sections and subsections (but you have tags)
 * You can have mail notifications of posts

Should we invest our time into making a better together.jolla.com rather than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?

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