On 05/26/2014 09:50 AM, Stefano Mosconi wrote:
> ...
> Should we invest our time into making a better together.jolla.com rather
> than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?

Thanks for you answer, both Norbert and you. :)
Indeed, the time overhead to manage multiple platforms as well as the
points Nobert mentioned are important aspects and to be honest I have no
clue about weighting the real trade-offs.

With respect to the question what a forum has that the other platforms
don't have:
In a forum, e.g., I feel that I somehow get better contact to users of
my apps.
See, e.g., the SkippingStones work-in-progress thread as example:
I also enjoy to read some rather off-topic discussions like "Look what I
drew on my phone" once in a while (which I wouldn't like ending up in my
e-mail inbox btw.).
There were also other aspects that got mentioned throughout this
discussion that I found important.
Unfortunately, I am pretty much on the run at the moment so I cannot
repeat everything in detail.

Generally, I got quite accustomed to using a forum.
But then this is all about personal habits that one got used to.

Right now, I am primarily using the Sailfish OS etc. sections at
talk.maemo.org as "semi-official" Sailfish OS/Jolla forum replacement.
So, in a sense, there is already something like a forum.
Maybe this is a viable approach that can be used in the meantime?



> Stefano
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