yes qt5 for android is stable, no idea about ios, sorry. and QtQuick 2.x modules are same for all platforms.

26.05.2014 18:07, пишет:
Hi in short time I'm going to 'port' my pure QML application to android and ios.

Currently I import QtQuick 2.0 and QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0
(and Sailfish.Silica 1.0)

I use LocalStorage and XMLHttpRequest, I try to keep it simple, I'm using only 
Rectangle, Row, Text, TextInput, MouseArea, few anchors.
In short, nothing specific to Silica.

Do you think that I'll be fine with this ?
Do you have some experience to share ?
Is QML on android and ios stable ?

Thanks for your attention,
wish you a great week,
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