Hi all,
  I think Norman is bang on with the fragmentation issue. To address this I 
propose a possible solution. Why not convert this mailing list to a 'virtual' 
one; By that I mean move all discussion to a devel section on TJC  and have the 
mailing list be another frontend or interface if you like for the same 
content(yet better, keep all mails and posts with their metadata in the same 
database and create an API that both ML and TJC can call thus eases 
applification too, kind of like MVC). To accommodate this TJC (or at least the 
proposed devel section) would have to be changed/improved to have a treelike 
structure alongside its Q&A nature so that OT answers and its children can 
easily be tagged and filtered out in both TJC and ML interfaces. OT tag should 
be available for every poster to tag their answer/comment. To achieve  this  
there should be 2 scripts one that converts each mail to mailing list to a new 
question/answer/comment retaining  the treelike structure and one other sc
 ript that posts entries from TJC to ML setting the subject correctly as it is 
now; Perhaps with an x minutes latency to alllow for editing post.
  If one wants to use a different email address for the mailing list that is 
set for TJC a setting should be available.  
  Further to this subsections(Qt, Qml, news, politics, ads, jobs etc) could be 
introduced making  it easier to filter or subscribe to selected subsections 
only; This could benefit both interfaces.
  Having this approach I believe would give users/developers the flexibility  
to choose, mix and match the best way(for them) to interact with fellow 
developers whilst not fragmenting the community.
  The obvious tradeoff is some developer hours, but doing it in the open could 
reduce that somewhat especially when it comes to maintenance. 
  Please do comment on what you all think about my proposition, be it positive 
or negative.


Ps: I'd prefer Q&A, but mailing list has been more effective in my experience 
so far.

On Mon May 26 2014 08:53:32 GMT+0100 (BST), Norbert Wenzel wrote:
> On 05/26/2014 09:21 AM, Ruediger Gad wrote:
> > Why not let the users make the decision?
> > I.e., we have a mailing list and a Q&A site already, just the forum is
> > missing.
> > So, if there were a forum as well, it would show over time how the usage
> > and the user counts of the different infrastructures develops.
> I know that from other projects and what happened there was that some
> people use forums and some people use mailinglists. The two communities
> don't have much intersection. Which might or might not be a desired
> outcome depending on the size of the community.
> Personally I have to say that I wouldn't use a forum or any other
> web-based platform. I mean, if I really had to I'd post my question
> there but I wouldn't follow discussions, since I'd need to actively
> visit the forum. I prefer ML because I have one single spot where all
> messages of all lists can be found and I'm reading along when I have the
> time to do so.
> So besides my personal opinion I just wanted to say that too many
> options for discussion might lead to fragmentation instead of making
> everybody happy.
> Norbert
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